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The No-Resolution Revolution

The No-Resolution Revolution

From Guest Writer, John Andrews - CEO of Photofy

Lucyd Lyte 2021 Resolution

For years like most folks, I’ve made New Year’s resolutions with a focus on my professional career, fitness, knowledge and commitments to family time. I take time to reflect usually around mid-December and look back through previous Year’s resolutions. This year I wasn’t as motivated as usual for some reason. I also noticed that more folks were feeling the same way. I guess it’s to be expected given the tumultuous year we’ve just experienced. Many things that seemed important suddenly paled in comparison to some of the simple things in life we took for granted. A coffee with a friend actually became a difficult decision versus just a normal part of your routine.

A recent article by Sprout Social cited the heavy Allostatic Load being borne by people and how it is affecting social media sentiment. Many entered 2021 exhausted and with low expectations for change in the new year. A couple weeks in this year seems more of the same and maybe even a continuation of the ongoing unsettled times we’ve all experienced. Many have chosen to forego their annual resolutions and simply just be.


2021 Resolution


My Key Focus For 2021: Live A More Connected Life 

Like many other folks, I’m locked into my work, events in social media and a constant stream of all the things I should either be doing to improve my life or things I’m missing out on. It is time to ditch the achievement obsession and focus on actually living a bit. The constant struggle for the next thing, and anxiety about reaching the next level of job, fitness, or followers and likes, is keeping us all on an ever-accelerating treadmill chasing goals that once reached create more goals. I don’t want more of any of those things, I want to find more enjoyment in my life and of the world around me.

This year I want to take a step back and connect with real people in the real world. To improve my fitness, I want to take a daily walk with my good friend Erik. To grow my finances, connecting with my co-workers that trade options and learn from them over lunch and dinner discussions. I want to hike in the lovely state park literally a mile from my front door and enjoy the sounds of nature instead of feeling like I should be listening to the latest business book through my headphones. And speaking of headphones, I want to connect with those around me in all settings versus isolating myself from the present.


I’m excited that as part of my work, I am getting to help create integrated marketing for a company called Lucyd and its Lyte bluetooth glasses. I am a true believer in technology and its ability to help us live more connected and safe lives by experiencing all the things we’re missing in our daily lives. This glasses allow you to be both connected to a phone call, music, or an audio book, and at the same time hear what is going on around you. Unlike earbuds, or headphones, they allow the rest of the world in while keeping you connected. I look forward to sharing my experiences as I use them for biking, hiking and everyday activities while also being engaged with the world around me.


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