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Why Bluetooth Sunglasses are the Best Father’s Day Gift for Cyclists
In 2020, bike sales were predicted to double the rate of the year before. In America, cycling is quickly becoming...
Fitness Accessories and Tech: The Latest in Bluetooth Sunglasses
Do you love to work out? Of course you do, or you wouldn't have clicked this link! As someone who...
A Traveling GenX’er Enjoying the Bluetooth Glasses Experience
Guest post from Michael Fraser I’m just a 70’s kid pushing 50 that has always loved to travel. Meeting new...
Using Bluetooth Voice Assistants With My Lucyd Lytes Audio Glasses
Guest post from Ted Rubin Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa have become helpful if not essential parts of managing my...
My Favorite Earbuds are My Sunglasses. That's Right Bluetooth Sunglasses
Coach Eric, from 99 Walks, Chooses Lucyd Lytes as his favorite EARBUDS! "My favorite earbuds are my sunglasses. That's right,...
Bluetooth Glasses Make a Perfect Gift for Mother’s and Father’s Day this Year
With the promise of a better summer ahead thanks to the growing progress against the pandemic, many are beginning to...
Lucyd Lyte Bluetooth Speaker Glasses Helping Dads Stay Connected!
Chris Lewis, founder of Dad of Divas tested out ways to stay connected no matter what by trying out Lucyd...
Beach Walking with Ted Rubin and Lucyd Lytes Bluetooth Glasses
Ted Rubin is a leading Social Marketing Strategist, Author, Speaker, Provocateur… Photofy CMO and sits on various Advisory Boards. We...